TOMATOES: LYCOPENE and Their Health Benefits for You.

Lycopene are carotenoids that are responsible for the red colors you see in fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes.  According to WebMD, 1 cup of tomato juice provides you with 23 mg of Lycopene. Tomatoes are also loaded with vitamins and minerals - Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Copper, Biotin, B-vitamins, Vitamin E, Phosphorus, fiber and they are very low calorie: a medium tomato is around 22 calories.

In this 2014 study: Dietary Supplementation with Tomato Juice..., subjects diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance, high LDL cholesterol and low HDL- good cholesterol, increased inflammatory markers) were split into two groups. One group drank tomato juice for 4 time per week for two months, while the other group did not receive any tomato juice. The researchers found out that those subject who drank the tomato juice each week showed significant improvement in insulin resistance, decreased inflammation, decreased LDL-bad cholesterol and a slight improvement in HDL- good cholesterol.

Tomatoes can be prepared in a number of different ways.
Check out this tasty recipe on how to make your own tomato juice.
Make Your Own Tomato Juice

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Also check this recipe with video

Tomato Vegetable Juice Recipe

Tomato Vegetable Juice Video


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